Beyond the Basics: Income Tax 2023
Organized by: PwC & BRITCHAM El Salvador.
Date: April 25th / 2024.
Time: 3:00 – 4:00 pm.
By Teams
Webinar where specialists from PwC El Salvador will address relevant topics in relation to the preparation of the Income Tax return for the year 2023, also will be addressed among other topics such as the tax treatment of non-habitual income/expenses, capital income, transactions between related parties and their tax impact, as well as points of attention of the Tax Administration in the processes of auditing the Income Tax.
Joselyn Colorado
Transfer Pricing Manager of PwC El Salvador
Javier Aragón
Fiscal and Legal Manager of PwC El Salvador
Josué Campos
Associate of PwC El Salvador
César Dubón
Associate of PwC El Salvador