Main Changes to the Integral Law of the Pension System

27 Jan, 2023 | BritCham News

Made by: Dr. Carlos RodrĆ­guez member of Consortium Legal

1.Ā People who can join the system (Art.9)

Employer Contribution


Just the Salvadorans who live in El Salvador could quote..

Integral Law of Pensions Systems

  1. Foreigners with an establishment in the country who are realizing any activity that
    generates income.
    2. Salvadorans residing abroad.

Implication for the employers:

They must quote for a greater number of employees if they have hired foreigners residing in
El Salvador or Salvadorans residing abroad.


2. Increase in the contribution percentage of the employer (Art. 16)

Employer Contribution


All the parts of the labor relationship realized the following contributions:
Employee 7.25%.
Employer 7.75%.

Integral Law of Pensions Systems

The contributions are distributed as follows:
Employee 7.25%.
Employer 8.75%.

Implication for the employers:

The employer’s contribution increases by 1% for each employee, which will substantially increase the total amount of monthly AFP contributions.

Important to remember:

The following are not part of the contribution base income:
1. Gratuities and occasional bonuses.
2. Christmas bonus.
3. Viatics, presentation and social costs established by the Law.


    3. Obligation to continue paying contributions even in the case of pension
    employees (Art. 13)

    Pension employees

    All the employees must be retained and declared in the pension contribution forms, regardless of whethere:
    1. They are pensioners.
    2. They are in retirement age but not pensioned.
    3. They have total disability by first dictum.
    4. They have a partial disability by first or second dictum.

        SAP Law

        Pension employees did not contribute.

        Integral Law of Pensions Systems

        Pension employees will have to start to contribute again, for as long as the labor
        relationship lasts. This will be returned to the employee every year on the date in which
        they started to contribute.

        Implication for the employers:

        1. They must contribute for a higher amount of people and this payment will not be
          returned, unlike the employee.
          2. In case the employer decides not to continue with the labor relationship (provided
          that the employee does not have a guarantee of labor stability or their contract is not
          suspended), they must pay their respective labor settlement, since retirement is not a
          cause for termination without liability.


        Implication for employees:

        Pension employees would also be affected because with the new law, unlike the previous
        one, they would apply for an AFP retention of 7.25%, although the amount contributed to
        their individual savings account for pensions and his accrued profitability will be returned


        4. Elimination of maximum contribution limit (Art. 14)

        Contributionā€™s limits

          SAP Law

          The minimum and the maximum salary for making contributions was established, these
          being the minimum legally established in each category and the maximum $7,045,

          Integral Law of Pensions Systems

          The minimum on which contributions must be paid is established which is a minimum
          monthly salary.Therefore, it can be concluded there is not minimum salary on which
          contributions must be made, but rather, contributions must be made based on the
          employeeā€™s total salary.

          Implication for employees:Elimination of maximum contribution limit.

          Implication for the employers:

          TendrĆ” que cotizar por cantidades mayor para trabajadores que tengan salario superior a $7,045, ya que no hay lĆ­mite mĆ”ximo de la cotizaciĆ³n.

          Implication for employees:

          For employees with a salary higher than $7,045, since there is no contribution limit, they
          would contribute the 7.25% of their real salary instead of the $7,045 limit.


          5. Obligation to pay employerā€™s subsidy contributions (for incapacity or
          maternity) (Art. 16)

          Employerā€™s quote of subsidies

            SAP Law

            The cases of disability due to maternity or incapacity, The ISSS, when paying the subsidy,
            applied the discount of both the employer contribution and the employee contribution,
            discounting 15% to the employee (the 7.25% of the employee contribution and the 7.75%
            of the employer contribution) that later the ISSS will declare to the AFP. From that
            perspective the employer will not pay any contribution.

            Integral Law of Pensions Systems

            Now, with the new law, there will be a discount only to the employee of 7.25% for the
            employee contribution, and the other part, meaning the employer contribution which would
            now be 8.75% will be transferred to the company, even if it is not the company that pays
            that pays the subsidy.

            Implication for the employers:

            They would have to contribute for higher amounts, since they would have to pay the 8.75%
            of the respective subsidy amount.


            A. Maternityā€™s Case: According to the Art. 28 of the Regulations for the Application of the
            Social Security, the ISSS would cover 100% of the employeeā€™s average contributable base

              Average basic salary:


              Subsidy paid for maternity by the ISSS:

              $20×112 = $2,240

              Total of employee contribution for maternity:

              8.75% de $2,240 = $196

              (This amount would have to be paid by the company even though it would
              not be the entity which pays the subsidy)


              B. In case of an incapacity due to an accident or professional illness: According to the Arts.
              27 & 32 of the Regulations for the Application of the Social Security, only 75% of the
              employeeā€™s average contributable base salary will be covered, starting from the day after it


                15 days

                Average basic salary:


                75% of $20


                Subsidy paid by the ISSS for incapacity of professional accident:

                $15 x 15: $225

                Amount to pay by employer for incapacity of professional accident:

                8.75% de $225: $19.69

                (This amount would have to be paid by the company even though it would
                not be the entity which pays the subsidy)


                C. In case of incapacity for illness, accident or common illness: According to the Arts. 24 &
                27 of the Regulations for the Application of the Social Security, only 75% of the employeeā€™s
                average contributable salary will be covered, as of the 4Ā° day.


                  15 days

                  Average basic salary:


                  75% of $20


                  Subsidy to pay by employer for incapacity of common accident, first 3

                  $15 x 3 = $45

                  Amount to pay by employer for incapacity for common accident, first 3

                  8.75% de $45 = $3.94

                  Amount to pay by employer for incapacity of professional accident:

                  8.75% de $180 = $15.75

                  (This amount would have to be paid by the company even though it would
                  not be the entity which pays the subsidy)

                  Other important aspects of the law

                  Contribution Statements and Payments:

                  The Statement and the payments are made during the first 10 days of the following month in
                  which the income is earned.
                  More specifically, the dates on which payments have to be made are:

                    Accrual Month

                    December 2022

                    Monday, January 16th / 2023

                    January 2023

                    Tuesday, February 14th / 2023

                    February 2023

                    Tuesday, March 14th / 2023

                    March 2023

                    Wednesday, April 19th / 2023

                    April 2023

                    Tuesday, May 16th / 2023

                    May 2023

                    Wednesday, June 14th / 2023

                    June 2023

                    Friday, July 14th / 2023

                    July 2023

                    Tuesday, August 15th / 2023

                    August 2023

                    Thursday, September 14th / 2023

                    September 2023

                    Friday, October 13th / 2023

                    October 2023

                    Wednesday, November 15th / 2023

                    November 2023

                    Thursday, December 14th / 2023

                    Retirement age (Art. 96)
                    Retirement age is maintained:

                      Men: 60

                      Women: 55


                        Minimum Pension: US$304.17 (Art. 114)

                        Maximum Pension: US$3,000 (Art. 97)

                        Additional Changes

                        1. The possibility of withdrawing 25% of the contributions is eliminated.
                          2. The amount of old-age pension is increased by 30%, based on the calculation of the
                          original pension. This only applies to people who have not withdrawn the 25% or
                          who, having withdrawn it, have paid it completely.


                        If the member receives US$500.00 in pension, the reform would increase this amount
                        by 30%, so that in total the member would receive US$650.00

                        $500 X 0.3 = $150

                        $500 + $150 = $650

                        In the case that a member has withdrawn the 25% previously allowed and the member has
                        not paid anything, the member would only be entitled to a 5% increase in his pension.

                        Procedure in case of omissions or inconsistencies (Art. 22)

                        1. The AFPs will notify the employer for omissions or inconsistencies within 20
                          working days after the accreditation period.
                          2. The AFPs will notify MINTRAB on a quarterly basis about the employers that have
                          not corrected the omissions or inconsistencies.
                          3. The MINTRAB will carry out inspections and in case of non-compliance,
                          certification would be issued to the AFPs and the debt will be determined within 20
                          working days from receipt of the certification.
                          4. The employers will have 10 working days to elaborate, present declarations and make
                          the respective payment.
                          5. In case of not doing so, the AFPs will initiate the collection actions in accordance
                          with Art. 23.
                          6. If the MINTRAB inspection determines that the employer has people under labor
                          subordination who are affiliated to the pension system, it will demand their affiliation
                          within 10 working days.


                        Sanctioning framework for employers (Art. 143 y 144)

                        Failure to comply with the obligation to submit the contribution statements to the system.


                        1. If the declaration is presented outside the time established by law, for a maximum of
                          20 days, the fine will be 5% of the contributions.
                          2. If it is presented in a period exceeding 20 days, the fine will be 10% of the
                          Presentation of the declaration in an incomplete or erroneous manner may cause serious
                          damage in the member’s individual account.



                        Fine: US$600.00

                        If the error is not corrected within 15 days.

                        Fine: US$1,200.00

                        Sanctioning framework for employers

                        Absolute omission to pay contributions.


                        Fine: 20% of the unpaid contribution + late payment surcharge of 2% for each month or
                        fraction. It should be noted that this will be paid in addition to the contributions and profits
                        that the members ceased to receive.
                        Payment of an amount less than the corresponding contribution within the established time


                        Fine 10% of the unpaid contributions + 5% late payment surcharge for each month or
                        It should be noted that this will be paid in addition to the profits not received by the members.

                        Entities responsible for imposing sanctions (Art. 146)

                        Superintendencia del Sistema Financiero, prior notice from the Administradora de Fondo de
                        Pensiones in the cases previously mentioned.
                        In the cases of administrative and judicial collection the Administradora de Fondos.

                        Applicable Legislation

                        Ley de SupervisiĆ³n y RegulaciĆ³n del Sistema Financiero.
                        More information: